承包商保险不是放之四海而皆准的. A specialized policy allows you to easily customize and simplify your insurance coverage to ensure that your business’ unique needs are protected.
A specialty contractor insurance policy is an easy way to cover multiple risks without having to settle for a one-size-fits-all policy that wastes money on coverage you don’t need. There are a variety of options available depending on what type of contracting work your business does. 从总承包商到暖通空调技术人员, 水管工, 木匠, 电工, 画家, 诸如此类, specialized contractor insurance can ensure your business has the right level of coverage.
A good policy includes general liability that covers you against claims of damage or injury caused on site or to visitors on your own premises. Such costs can be immense and general liability insurance is often mandatory if you want to bid for government contracts.
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作为承包商, 你的生意可能容易受到许多风险的影响, 比如身体伤害索赔, 财产损失, 人身伤害, 和更多的. 和, 如果您雇用其他承包商代表您执行工作, 你要对他们在工作中造成的任何损害负责.
Commercial general liability insurance is an absolute necessity for every contractor. 这种类型的保护为房地提供了广泛的保护, 操作, 产品, and claims to third parties or property when you are deemed responsible and liable. 它还将支付辩护任何涵盖的诉讼或行动,无论其优点.
当火灾发生时, 盗窃, 或者另一种灾难来袭, 你的商业财产和其中的一切都可能遭受重大损失. 这会对你的生意产生不利的影响.
Commercial property insurance can help protect the property your business owns and leases, 包括设备, 库存, 家具, 及设施. 无论你是拥有自己的办公大楼还是租用自己的办公空间, commercial property insurance can be purchased separately or can be combined with other necessary coverage to protect your business’ physical assets.
你不断地把工具从一个工地搬到另一个工地, 使您的承包商业务因损坏或盗窃而面临潜在损失. 和 without your specialized tools and equipment, your job site may come to a screeching halt.
作为承包商, you need contractors' equipment insurance - a policy specially designed to protect your tools and equipment on the move. 保险单将赔偿设备的各种损失, 包括火灾, 爆炸, 破坏公物, 盗窃, 与其他设备或物体碰撞并翻倒. 不同于标准的商业财产保险政策, contractors' equipment insurance often covers losses caused by floods and earthquakes.
A building under construction is not covered under a standard building insurance policy or a home insurance policy since it is not a complete structure. 作为承包商, you may be responsible for unique loss exposures related to buildings under construction such as the 盗窃 of building materials and high valued equipment such as generators and compressors.
Builders risk and installation insurance provides coverage for homes or buildings while undergoing construction, 直到它们完成. The policy covers the contractors’ interest in materials at the job site before they are installed, construction materials in transit designated for the contractors' equipment insurance–a policy specially and the value of the property being constructed until it is completed.
If one of your employees receives an injury or becomes ill due to a work-related occurrence, 法律要求你有适当的保险.
Workers' compensation protects your employees should a job-related injury or sickness occur during the course of employment. 这是法律要求的,可能因地区而异, so be sure that you understand your obligations for all physical locations where your business operates in and all physical locations where you hire your employees.
作为承包商, you have many exposures associated with your business vehicles–owned or leased. 带着车队, 卡车, 货车, 或在经营过程中使用的其他类型的车辆, a single accident can potentially put your contractor business in financial jeopardy.
Business auto insurance provides coverage for vehicles owned or leased by a contractor and provides coverage for bodily injury, 财产损失, 还有其他暴露, 还可以包括综合保险和碰撞保险.
If you are performing as a contractor on a construction project where other contractors and vendors are involved, you could be held liable for any damages or injuries caused by the other contractors or vendors, 给你留下昂贵的律师费和和解费. 你的公司需要防范其他公司的风险, vendor or subcontractor causing damage to people or property of your mutual customer.
Consider having a contract in place with each entity that includes a hold harmless agreement in your favor. A hold harmless agreement provides that the entity will hold you harmless for any injuries or damage caused by their negligence. 除了, the contract should require that the entity list you as an additional insured on their policy. This may provide you with coverage under their policy for injuries or damage they cause if you are named in a lawsuit.
在建筑行业,损失和诉讼是很常见的, 和解金额可能很大. 如果你的公司被发现对工作现场的损坏或伤害负有责任, you could be facing a large liability loss that exceeds the basic limits of your standard policy.
You should consider purchasing a commercial umbrella insurance policy which provides higher limits, 一般在2美元之间,000,000元及10元,000,000, 而且经常扩大覆盖范围. 承保范围扩大到各种保单, 包括一般责任保险, 商务汽车, 以及董事和高级职员责任保险.
你还应该确保保护好你的股票, 机械, 防止设备因火灾而损坏或损失, 盗窃, 洪水, 还有其他风险, 现场和非现场. 同样重要的是, you need to have insurance coverage against loss of income if you are unable to carry out work because your equipment is damaged.
还要记得买工伤保险, which is usually mandatory and protects employees against lost income and medical bills resulting from workplace injuries. You might be worried that the costs of a workers’ compensation policy will be high given the inherent risks of construction work, 但如果你遵循安全计划,许多保险公司会提供折扣.
If you need any help choosing the right contractor insurance policy, contact us today.